Seal Watching
Village Tours
St. George Institute

Few places on earth exhibit the abundance of natural wonders found on St. George Island.  The Bering Sea Islands provides unique habitat for the northern hemisphere’s largest seabird colony.  More then 2 million seabirds nest on the towering volcanic cliffs including Red-Legged Kittiwakes, Thick-Billed Murres, and Red-Faced Cormorants.  Below them, along protected stretches of beach, thousands of fur seals nurture their young each summer. To the typical observer, the Pribilofs would seem to be a rare and pristine location.  The local people however, understand how the population of seals and seabirds has dramatically declined over the last decade. Changes in the regional and global environment are having dire impacts on the Pribilofs, causing many in the science community to express the importance of the Pribilofs as a sentinel location for the overall health of the Bering Sea.

The St. George Island Institute is a cross-cultural learning and research center, applying traditional Unangan skills, local history and knowledge, to better understand the condition of the people, environment and natural resources at this unique location in the Bering Sea.  The Institute provides local, cultural, and natural history tours as well as providing educational courses, logistical support services, and lodging for students and researchers from around the world as well as others interested in the culture and wildlife of St. George. The Institute is a tribal program and emphasizes cultural values throughout all aspects of their work.

For more information about St. George Island, please visit Starting Your Adventure or e-mail our local Tourism Coordinator.


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